Digital Mapping

Whether you require a map of your property to design your house, or are planning a major project covering thousands of hectares, Cottrell Cameron & Steen is your "One stop shop" mapping organisation.

We provide a range of services in relation to any size mapping program.

Digital Terrain and Feature Model Data Capture – Our photogrammetrists are experienced in data capture using both analytical and the latest softcopy photogrammetric workstations and can accurately capture the required digital data. Output is flexible and can be customised to suit most CAD applications. Digital terrain models (DTM’s) can be established as a stand alone database or integrated with previously captured data to form an up to date model of your project.

Volume Audits – Set periodic audits be conducted over any site. Volumes can be determined for material stockpiles, between existing surfaces (cut and fill volumes), or comparison between design and actual surfaces can be carried out. The volume calculations are carried out using several different modelling packages to check for consistency and modelling errors.

Ortho-corrected Imagery – photo images are corrected for terrain height and lens distortion and provide “true to scale” images. This data can be supplied in a range of image formats including compressed formats to assist with data storage issues, as well as hard copy prints.
